Saturday, 15 May 2010

No Will, or One Will

Here's a comment on one of my posts from Colleen, who beautifully blogs at

When we talk about "free will" we are talking about individual or personal will, and there is no individual or there is no free will. But there is One Will, there is the burst of aliveness everywhere in the eternal now. And it's great to be part of that, and sometimes that One Will may feel like individual, personal will- like when we are caught up in some creative enthusiasm- and that's fine- it doesn't really matter whether we call it free will or not- we just ride the magic carpet ride whatever we call it. And lots of times it's not much fun, and that's okay too. "Feel like a separate person? That's perfect." How unbounded...Breaking down the walls of "should" and "shouldn't" or the walls of "spiritually correct" and "spiritually incorrect" in the mind. 

Thank you Colleen :)

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